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118th Power of Paint Party… Spring Bottle

Thanks for Sharing!

Welcome Paint Lovers… and Happy Spring!

I’ve got a great giveaway to burlapfabric.com going on this week.  You can enter here.

Last week I had an idea.  You know… one of those crazy ideas that you think just might work.   Here was my thought process… I wonder if you could hot glue a design on a glass bottle… spray paint it… then peel off the hot glue to reveal the design… kinda like etching.

Well it didn’t work exactly as I hoped…

Writing “Spring” with hot glue was easy enough.

Spray painting it all… piece of cake!

Trying to peel off the hot glue… not like I envisioned!  It seems like the thicker areas came off easier… but nothing was crisp and clean like I was hoping for.

Any paint projects not go as you planned recently?

So what have you been painting?

Power of Paint Party Rules:

#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.  I HATE deleting!

#2… I’d love if you put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post or a link back to this party somewhere on your blog… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too. (not a requirement but always appreciated)

#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.





  1. If you don’t mind a suggestion, try putting your bottle in the freezer when you want to remove the hot glue. I know from past experience in trying to put hot glued craft outdoors, when the temperature drops, so do the hot glued items! (You may not know that, seeing that you live in a lovely climate like So. Cal : ) Very clever idea, thanks for posting it!

    1. What a great idea Diana… Thank you bunches!!!! I did a couple other ones… a stripe and some flowers, but I didn’t try picking off the glue yet because I was so frustrated by this one. Going to plop them in the freezer now… Thank you!!! I’m let you know how it goes.

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