Christmas Photo Ideas?
So, lately my head is a buzz with trying to come up with a cute, creative photo Christmas card.
Do you do a photo card?
Here’s some of our photos over the years…
Have you taken your Christmas card photo yet? Do share!!!
I’m thinking maybe we do something funny this year, but I currently have no inspiration!
Inspire me!!!
I really like all of your pictures, but my favorite Christmas pictures are of friends having a great time. …With the mascot at a football game, at an amusement park, the beach, picking out your tree. Just go out and have a great time doing anything and remember to take a camera. The picture will be magic.
Hi. I agree. Always hard to come up with new and creative ideas. I default to the family beach vacation more often than I'd like. Though two of my favorites have been the following: One year I planned in advance and took a picture of the kids in each season – by the tulips in the spring, in the leaves in the fall, in the sprinkler in the summer and a winter photo. I put them in the card with words from the old song "for everything there is a season" and a compatiable greeting. Another great one was accidental. While my husband was decorating outside, my girls were decorating their small tree in their bedroom. My son had walked in to look at it. Hubby looked up at the perfect moment when, because of the darkness outside, the Christmas lights around the outside of the house, and lights on inside, the three of them and the tree just glowed. He snapped a shot and it is a hallmark moment even hallmark couldn't create. People who haven't seen our house asked if it was real because it was so accidentially perfect. The only thing about that is you couldn't see their faces up close. But, for one year I thought that would be okay. Something I saw this year on a photography website I thought I might copy is a little girl all decked out in a cute little skirt and wellies who is burried waist deep in a mailbox. It wasn't intended to be a Christmas card, but I thought an image like that, along with a saying like "anxiously awaiting your Christmas card" could be cute.
Those photos are soooo cute, Maryann! It looks like you've been very creative in past years – and the kids look like they loved every minute of the photo shoot! lol! I want to do a photo card this year – just don't know what or where to start. What program do you use?
xoxo laurie
One of my girlfriends did one like the Joy card but with her kids in Santa hats and holding super huge lollypops. It was so cute!
these are so adorable! I love how you've kept track, that inspires ME to organize my pictures!
Love seeing them through the years. We just finished ours and you can see it here ~
I think it's getting harder and harder as they get bigger and bigger!
we just did a photo shoot with my kiddos peeking out through a bright red spray painted large wooden frame. they were holding it so the frame is lopsided for extra cuteness!
Aww I love the J-O-Y photo and the 2009 photo… actually they're all wonderful! Such cute, smiling faces =)
My photo cards consist of a cat with a santa hat and two ferrets playing with ornaments ontop of presents… those are my kids at the moment! haha it's a little akward but the family always gets a good laugh out of it =)
Jenn L @ Peas & Crayons
In years past it was so easy to dress the kids similar and get them to a pretty spot outside. Now the are all big and snarly so it's a challenge. Last couple of years we've done a collage print and slipped it into the Christmas card. It worked out great since it was a re-cap of the year's best pics!
I have seem some very cute ones just using your favorite 3×5, then cropped and cut into a circle. Then you punch a small hole in the top and attach a pretty ribbon to make an ornament card.
Those are so cute! I have to say I love the one from last year with all of them hugging by that fence. ADORABLE.
Each and every card and child are extra cute!! I have no ideas….I hope some good ones get posted here today! I do a photo each year and put it in a card but this year I want to simplify a bit and just go straight to a photo card.
Now that I am thinking about it, I did receive a card one year with each of the kids holing up a box of Glad Wrap, Tide for Tidings, and a bottle of Joy dish detergent! Glad tidings of great joy! It was cute!