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Family Shells

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Happy Monday!  I hope you had a fabulous weekend.  If you missed my post last week about Google Friends Connect (GFC) phasing out on March 1st, you can read all about it here.  Bottom line… if you’ve been following me through GFC I’m asking you to start following me a new way.  Brent from Linky Tools (what I use to link up your projects for the Power of Paint Party) has created an awesome Linky Followers tool.  You can follow me through Linky Followers, or subscribe to receive my posts via email (on my sidebar) or through RSS feed (on my header). 

Ok… onto the fun stuff!  I’m still trying to finish off my family room makeover.  I’ve got a few small projects and 2 big ones to get it finished (that are currently on the list, but you know how that changes!)

Over the weekend I worked on a sign for the ledge over the beadboard wallpaper.

A old frame wrapped in twine and shells collected by my kiddos…

love the textures and the memories and the meaning.

Perfect family room art!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I don’t know what I love the most: the textured simplicity of the rope or the organic little shells with their pretty shimmer! Overall, this mixture of texture and the sandy colors simply make me smell the sea (and it is freezing outside!)

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