
Healthy Teeth Printables

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We all know that tooth care is important, but if I’m honest it’s not something I’m thinking about until I get that postcard reminder that someone has a dentist appointment coming up.   Life is busy!  We brush and floss but are we doing all we can?  I’ve got some great reminders plus 2 Healthy Teeth Printables to help us all remember the importance of oral hygiene.

Mason Jar Toothbursh Holder for Toothbrush and Toothpaste


Did you know that The American Dental Association recommends changing your toothbrush at least every three months?  Or after you’ve been sick?  Do you remember to change yours?  I always tried to remember at the start of a new season that we need to change out the toothbrushes.  But Boka makes it even easier!  Boka delivers better oral care products right to you every 3 months.

Use Mason Jars for Toothbrush and Toothpaste Storage

No more guessing.  No more remembering to buy everyone a new toothbrush.  It just shows up, right when you need it.  And their subscriptions are risk-free, so you can cancel at anytime.

I love that Boka’s minty toothpaste is made with natural ingredients and essential oils like peppermint and mint.  It also contains no sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), fluoride, triclosan, artificial flavors or parabens to help keep your teeth healthy.  And it has a great minty flavor… just strong enough without being overpowering.

Here’s the great news!  You can try Boka right now and save 25%!

Order Button

This deal is good through June 1, 2016 and cannot be combined with other offers and can’t be used more than once.

And here’s some CUTE free Healthy Teeth Printables you can print off and hang in your bathrooms.

Healthy Teeth Printable with Teal Blue

teal printable button

A teal blue one or a pretty floral one…

Keep Your Teeth Printable with Peonies

floral printable button

Hope you love the printables – you can click the buttons to download the pdf files.  As with all my printables you may use them for your own personal use only (no sales).

I hope you get a chance to try Boka too!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. As a former dental hygienist in a periodontal practice, I love that this product is all-natural and contains no SLS or triclosan. And how convenient that you can have it all shipped to your doorstep! It’s a no brainer! I’d love to give this new-to-me product a try for myself!

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