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Making a Window Family Frame

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Hi Friends!  I’m LOVIN’ this project that I get to share with you today.

Under $5 Family Photo Display with an Old Window @ Domestically-Speaking.com

Super cute, right!!

My brother works in construction and lately has been replacing lots of windows… yeah for me!

I had pinned this great tutorial by Sugar Bee Crafts on how to create a giant picture for cheap. While looking at the pile of windows it hit me… how cute to combine the two!

Domestically Speaking: Great Family Photo Project!

The window was in great shape and the perfect size for this project.  So I scored the window for FREE!

Now to make the rest for cheap.  The trick… I went to Staples and had a Engineering Print made for less than $4, with tax!  Cool, right.  Engineering prints are black and white (I already had the perfect black and white photo from our Christmas card) and they are printed on paper.  I picked the 24” x 36” size to have printed ~ crazy big for less than $4!  It was a little larger than the size of the window, so I figured that in my sizing when I uploaded the image. (You can stretch or shrink your image on Staples’ site)

Once I had my image printed (it was ready within hours) I trimmed it down to size.  Sugar Bee Crafts used foam board on her mounting with spray adhesive.  I used a piece of cardboard (we had just assembled some Ikea furniture).  I adhered mine with mod podge.

Attaching photo to foam board to mount inside the window

I covered the cardboard with a thin even coat of the mod podge and then very carefully… making sure it was lined up… placed the photo on top of the cardboard.  I started at the bottom edge (closest to me) and worked upward.  I didn’t put a top coat on.  I figured the window pane would protect it well.

Hanging a large window photo display

I attached the cardboard to the back of the window frame with a staple gun and then attached the grooved nail hanger to the top center.

Large family photo display with an old window

I think it’s going over in our kitchen nook area.  (Not a fun area to photography something glass with all the windows.)

Old Window Displaying our Family Photo hanging in family room

I’m lovin’ it ~ and for less than $5!

$5 Photo Display with an old Window

Thanks for stopping by friends!

Sharing at 504 Main



  1. Can you tell me how you got your picture to the right size? When I go to Staples and go to the blueprint photos, the picture I selected is small and it won’t let me change the size to fit the size of the blueprint.

    1. Looks like Staples has changed what you can do on their site. You have to increase the image size before you upload to Staples now. Canva.com would probably work to increase the image size if you don’t have photo editing software.

  2. I love this we just cleaned up an old window and we’re going to frame a family portrait also! Where did you get the “Christ is the center of our home” message?? I love it!!

  3. Hi! I have had this pinned for ages and my husband just scored some free windows! Did you have any trouble getting Staples to print it as an engineering print? Their website says not suitable for photos. Thanks and it looks just great!

    1. I saw the site also says they can print color engineering prints
      Any specific reason the staples site says they aren’t the best for photos? (Rather than them wanting to make some extra money)

      1. Engineering prints are original made for blueprints. The paper is the thickness of standard paper so it’s not photo paper, that’s why they make these statements.

    1. Love it Kristen! I’ve got more window frames, so you know I’m totally going to be copying.

  4. LOVE this! I have some old windows in the garage! And how lucky that all of the faces are in a pane and not hidden by the any part of the window!

    1. I know – I totally scored on that part. Having space on the sides of your image and having it a little bigger helps give you a little play room too.

  5. This is such a fun idea! I love it! I found 4 windows while out curb shopping one night and have been working on ideas with them. I mauy have to make one of these to keep! Thanks for the inspiration! Hugs, Leena

    1. Score Leena! So many things you can do with windows. I’m thinking windows might be the trend to side-step pallets. 🙂

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