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Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket

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I’m working on switching out from our fall decor to Christmas and this Painted Christmas Decor Basket was the perfect size to create a Christmas vignette.

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

Painted Christmas Decor Basket

Let’s start with this picnic basket that I picked up at the thrift store…

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

A super cute picnic basket that was in pretty good shape.

I started by dry brushing the basket with some white chalky paint.  I wanted to brighten it up a bit before I filled it with Christmas goodness.

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

Then it was just piling in the layers.

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

I placed my mini Christmas tree in first.  It’s covered with two different wood slice ornaments.

I filled a little lantern with some red and gold bulbs.

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

The I filled the rest of the picnic basket with red and gold bulbs and some pinecones.

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

Then i just layered a plaid hand towel and a soft white scarf over the back of the basket.

Super easy, just using items I had to create a welcoming Christmas vignette.

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY

Here’s how to make the wood slice ornaments.

Rustic Wood Slice Ornaments 

Rustic Wood Painted Christmas Ornaments

Here’s what the Thrift Store Decor Team created this month…

Christmas Decor Basket from Domestically Speaking

Jelly Jar Centerpiece from My Repurposed Life

Confetti Furniture Project from Petticoat Junktion

Farmhouse Advent Calendar from Refresh Restyle

Turn a Sweater into a Pillow from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Thrift Store Painted Christmas Decor Basket | Thrift Store Makeover | Paint DIY


  1. Such a cute idea! You did such a good job. I️ have a picnic basket like that. Hopefully I️ can find it and come up with something too. And I️ don’t know why this is changing my i’s to a box!

  2. Sooo cute Maryann! I love the new look of your basket, and that small tree is perfect. I’m really getting excited for Christmas early this year.


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