
Trash Can Pendant Light

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Happy Monday Friends!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Today is the last day to order your Mother Defined or Grandmother Defined burlap sign at the discounted rate of $15.  If you’d like to order one you can email me at domesticallyspeaking (at) yahoo (dot) com .

This is a project that I have been sitting on for about a year. I purchased this oh-so-cute trashcan at Home Goods and finally got around to working on the transformation I had planned last week.

Here’s what I came up with…

trash can pendant ad

Here’s what I started with…

trash can pendant 9

Here’s what I used:

$12.99 trash can from Home Goods

West Elm hanging light kit

wire cutter



I used a pen to trace the size I needed to cut out of the basket.  Trimming the can was easy except for the wire frame that went down the center of the basket.  It took some extra work to get through that wire. 

trash can pendant 3

Once the wire was cut I inserted the light fixture through the basket and then twisted the top lip (the scallop-looking piece in the photo below) in place.  (With the fixture I had this was the best way I figured to keep it all in place)… oh I scored this West Elm light kit from the Pottery Barn Outlet for only 47 cents… yes!

trash can pendant 2

Then I used the hooks (that came with the kit) to hang it all up.

trash can pendant 1

Oh how I LOVE it! 

trash can pendant 6

trash can pendant 4

I think I’m going to make a cute burlap cover for the cord.

trash can pendant 7

And a little looksee with the light on…

trash can pendant 8

Nothing like turning trash into a treasure.

Thanks for stopping by friends… have a fabulous week!


  1. Love this lamp, any suggestions if this could be done for shades for existing table lamps? Would love to hear your ideas as the price of large lampshades will break my pension budget. Thanks

    1. I really want to make this light! Question… I don’t see where it plugs in… is it hard wired to ceiling or plugged in somewhere else?

    2. I think it would depend on what the top of your lampshade looks like. If you could get it to attach somehow and there’s enough clearance between the light bulb and the shade you probably could get it to work.

  2. Beautiful! I love how the light comes through the rattan! I’ve always enjoyed making lighting out of unexpected items. Now I know how thoselight kits work! My big question was how they stated in place. I have some old collanders that I’m dying to wire up! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  3. I found this post via Home Talk. I love the idea. I actually have a metal basket that has been hanging around with nothing to do with it and have thought about turning it into a shade for a light fixture. How might you go about doing this if you had an existing ceiling fan that you would be replacing?

    1. Kimberly ~ I actually had plans to try this idea on our ceiling fan in the family room. Not sure yet how it’s going to work… but stay tuned 🙂

  4. Oh the ingenuity! Love your resourcefulness. I was recently at furniture market and saw many lighting ideas. This could have been right up there with them! ~ Sue

  5. That looks great, I love the light patterns on the wall when its on! Never would have guessed it was made to be a trash can 🙂

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