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Twine’ified Christmas Tree

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While at Dollar Tree the other day, picking up my wreath form to make my corny wreath, I came across these shiny Christmas trees.  They are a little too contemporary for my taste, but I liked the size and shape… so I grabbed two.

I’d seen these trees at Target and thought I could easily transform these shiny trees into a twine’ifed creation.

Product Image Glitter Tree

A glue gun and some twine to start.

I spaced the twine so a bit of the shimmer shined on through.  Once the whole tree was covered in twine I took some green acrylic paint and dabbed it on till I got the shade I desired.

I love the bit of shimmer, yet it’s got a rustic feel ~ Comfy glam!

Update… I’m joining The Shabby Nest’s Frugal Friday Party &

@ The Inspired Room.

Hookin’ up with Funky Junk’s Saturday Nite Special

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I saw these at the dollar store and kept going because they are too "flashy" for my taste – now I have to go back and get some!!

  2. Oh… that is really neat! Love how earthy it is yet at the same time kinda glitzy. Great idea!

    Thanks for linking up to SNS #6!

    Funky Junk Donna

  3. I like the way you toned down the glitter with the twine.

    I've been busy making a few holiday trees too. A couple Charlie Brown trees and eucalyptus and ivy topiary.

  4. Great idea! I actually picked up one of those trees last time I was there-but I never thought of redoing it. Might have to make another trip there soon!

  5. That is so cute! I was just at the dollar store yesterday and saw those same mirrored trees. I also thought they were a bit too blingy for my taste. I love them with the twine though! Great job

  6. HA…I just saw those exact same trees at our Dollar Store and thought…"Not my style!" and walked on by. Kicking myself now!

  7. I love a woman with vision. I would so never have bought the shiny ones, but now that I see them old twined up I wish we had your dollar store.
    good job!

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