Word Whipped Winner & Project Party…
I’m sure inquiring minds want to know who the winner of the $50 shop credit to Word Whipped is!
The lucky winner is…
#193 Korrie@RedHenHome who said… “I like the typography family rules sign.”
Congrats Korrie!
I sent you an email.
You know the drill by now – new month – new chance to link up your latest & greatest diy tutorial at the diy club!
You can check out the prize package this month’s winner will receive HERE.
So get your DIY on and enter!
(click on the DIY Project Party button above to get to the linky party)
Technorati Tags: contest,winners,word whipped,the diy club,project,party
I was thinking about painting a rug but just didn't think it would look right but yours is great! Might change my mind
Yay for me! Thanks for a great giveaway.