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Countdown to Spring Party… Cupcakes

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Hello Spring!!!

We’re starting Spring with some rainy weather in Southern California.  One thing that can brighten any day is Cupcakes!

We made these adorable Easter cupcakes a few years ago.  We “doctored” up a box mix.  Have you tried that before?  There are lots of different ways, but here’s my fav…

Your favorite box mix

1 cup buttermilk (instead of water listed on box)

Oil (amount listed on box)

4 large eggs (instead of what is listed on box)

Mix and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.  It makes 24 cupcakes.

To decorate these cutie cupcakes you need frosting, graham crackers and sprinkles or whatever you want to place on it.

You start by lightly frosting your cupcakes.

To create the egg you take a graham cracker (1 graham cracker piece makes 2 eggs) and place it on a microwave safe plate for 10-20 seconds.  The warming of the graham cracker makes it easier to cut.  I use a paring knife to cut mine, but whatever you are comfortable with.  Finding the right microwaving time is the key.  If the cracker is cracking when you cut it, then it needs more warming.

Once you’ve cut out your graham cracker eggs, frost them and I put colored sugar on top too.  Then place the frosted egg on the center of the cupcake.

To make the green grass and flower stems, put some green frosting in a sandwich size baggie.  Then you snip off the tip of one of the ends (just a small snip, you can always snip more).  Going around the egg, squeeze little wisps of grass.  The key to making the tips to the grass is lifting the bag and stopping the squeezing at the same time.  You can practice on a piece of wax paper.

Then you can add the sprinkles or whatever toppings you like.  We added flowers to the tops of our green stems.

This is a great, fun projects for kiddos to do on Easter too.

You could have all the graham eggs cut out and the kiddos would have a blast putting on all the final touches!

This cupcake is inspired by Hello, Cupcake… my fav cupcake cookbook!


So are you ready for Spring?

This is an easy-link party… just link up!  The only rule is it much be Spring related.

Technorati Tags: spring,party,cupcakes,easter

One Comment

  1. One of the easiest ways to doctor cake mix is to add one box of instant pudding mix to the dry ingredients and make the cake by following the instructions on the package. It seems to make the cake more moist.

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